In this series I will be looking at each of the individual nations of Faerûn in turn, in alphabetical order. This series is based around the status of each nation as of 1371-72 Dalereckoning (at the end of D&D 2nd Edition and the start of 3rd Edition). The maps are drawn from The Forgotten Realms Interactive Atlas CD-ROM and their respective 1st and 2nd Edition sources. They are not necessarily current for the 5th Edition of the setting (which is set c. 1496 DR), as borders have changed and some towns and cities have fallen, whilst newer ones have risen.

A map of the nation of Tethyr. Please click for a larger version.


  • Ruler: Queen Zaranda Star Rhindaun and King-Consort Haedrak Rhindaun III
  • Capital: Darromar (pop. 68,520)
  • Settlements: Abbor, Banshivale, Barrowsmorn, Brost (7000), Cayr Thalwood, Colbertann, Daraqadim, Dunod, Elbencourt, Fort Agis (316), Fort Calim, Fort Teqlar, Fort Tufnek (316), Grapton, Hostim, Ithal Pass, Jhaansciim, Khanall, Kirgard, Krennasar, Kzelter, Lhestyn’s Hearth, Loranse, Lyllburg, Marakir, Maratimmir, Masamount, Monguldarath, Morninggold Keep, Mosstone (1713), Mount Noblesse, Myratma (51,390), Myth Dyraalis, Nomerritin, Pansemil, Port Kir (7000), Qian Hillfort, Riatavin (85,650), Rock Orchard, Ruba, Saharkhan, Saradush (39,000), Shelshyr House, Sulduskoonar, Survale Ford, Tannitton, Toaketh, Toralth, Trailstone (420), Tulmene (3600), Tweyar, Upparkol, Valtreth, Velen (14,389), Vineshade (3200), Viperstongue, Zazesspur (116,485)
  • Population: 3,771,360 (76% human, 20% halfling, 3% elf, 1% misc.)
  • Population Density: 8.86 people per mile², 3.42 people per km²
  • Area: 425,497 miles² (1,102,032.17 km²)
  • Military: The Royal Army of Tethyr, the Royal Navy of Tethyr, various mercenary companies
  • Languages: Common, Chondathan, Alzhedo
  • Religion: Chauntea, Eldath, Helm, Ilmater, the Seldarine (in the Forest of Tethir), Siamorphe, Silvanus, Torm, Tyr
  • Exports: Ambergris, carpets, cheese, cloth, fish, fruit, livestock, nuts, pearls, pipeweed, rugs, silk, tea, vegetables, wine, whale oil
  • Imports: Magic items, mercenaries, spices, weapons
  • Sources: Empires of the Sands (1988), Lands of Intrigue (1997)


Tethyr is a large country located south of the Sword Coast, between the nations of Amn to the north and Calimshan to the south. It is Faerûn’s second-largest nation, behind only Halruaa (and only if you include all Halruaa’s vast, mountainous and lightly-settled borders), and one of its more populous.

The kingdom’s borders are defined as the River Agis and Marching Mountains to the south; the Omlarandin Peaks, Kuldin Peaks and Snowflake Mountains to the east; and the Tethir Road to the north, as far east as Trailstone, where the border moves north to the Tejarn Hills and runs east to Shilmista, the Forest of Shadows (this region is disputed by Am). The Trackless Sea forms the border to the west, and the southern end of the Sea of Swords to the far north-west. Tethyr incorporates all of the Dragon’s Neck (sometimes called the Tethyr Peninsula) and the entire, vast forest known as the Wealdath, or Forest of Tethir, as well as the northern part of the Forest of Mir.

Much of Tethyr’s civilisation is clustered along the banks of its two great rivers, the Sulduskoon in the north and the Ith (once called the Wurlur) in the south. The plains between the two rivers are well-watered and are home to vast numbers of farms and dairies. The Purple Hills along the coast are home to vineyards and wineries. The lands to the east are hilly and mountainous, where Tethyr’s borders meet those of its former vassal of Erlkazar.

Tethyr has complex internal boundaries. The nation is centred on the Crown Lands, the areas adjacent to the capital city at Darromar. Around this region, the nation is divided into three principalities: the Principality of the Corsairs’ Sea in the north-west, the Principality of Ankramir in the south-west and the Principality of the Iltkazar Highlands in the east. The Principality of the Corsairs’ Sea is divided into the duchies of Cape Velen and the Wealdath; Ankramir is divided between the counties of the Purple Marches, Kamlann and Ankaram; the Iltkazar Highlands are divided into the duchies of the Golden Marches and Suretmarch. Each duchy is sub-divided into smaller counties (see attached maps and the succeeding lists).

Tethyr also has a notable internal division between the human-controlled plains and mountains, and elf-controlled lands in the Wealdath (the Forest of Tethir). The elven lands within the Wealdath are effectively autonomous but fully integrated into the Tethyrian political system, with elven military and noble ranks acknowledged across the entire kingdom and the rulers of the forest acknowledged members of the Royal Council. In this way, Tethyr strives to avoid internal, racial strife. Tethyr has a large halfling population in the Purple Hills and along the northern slopes of the Marching Mountains, and a smaller dwarven population mostly located in the eastern mountains.

The realm is also home to one of the most striking sights in Faerûn. Near the headwaters of the River Agis, on a massive bend in the river, lies the remnants of the single largest city to have ever been built on the continent (to our knowledge). Shoonach was the capital of the Shoon Imperium, a powerful empire formed by the union of Tethyr and Calimshan that dominated the south-west of the continent for over four centuries. At its height it extended its power north to the High Moor, inland almost to the Lake of Dragons and south clear across the Shining Sea to incorporate all of modern Lapaliiya, Tharsult and Thindol, even reaching the coast of the Great Sea. Shoonach was its beating heart. At its furthest extension, the city was almost 17 miles wide from west to east and almost 10 miles across from north to south. The planned city could have comfortably accommodated the entire population of the Imperium with room left over, so as a result vast stretches of it were never completed during the Imperium’s lifetime, with instead only the Imperial City, its suburb of Mumlukkar, the port area of Agis and the northern sub-city of Iltakar being fully completed. Even so, it was comfortably the largest city in Faerûn at the time. Its ruins are patrolled by Tethyrian soldiers from Fort Teqlar (located on the north-western edge of the vast site) to dissuade treasure seekers, but it would take tens of thousands of soldiers to even start to keep the whole area locked down, so bold adventurers still frequently brave the ruins in search of lost lore.

Tethyr has the potential to become one of the most powerful kingdoms in all Faerûn, with abundant resources, a commanding position on major trade routes, an industrious and hard-working people, and a new, enthusiastic ruling dynasty. However, Tethyr is haunted by its long history as a vassal of Calimshan and, in particular, a twenty-two-year brutal civil war which only recently concluded. The wounds of the civil war are still fresh, even as the new rulers try to usher in a new age of peace and reconciliation.

A map showing the location of Tethyr on the continent of Faerûn.


The history of the Tethyr region begins with Keltormir, the last of the Great Elven Empires to be founded during the First Flowering. Keltormir was founded circa 17,800 BDR (Before Dalereckoning), just two centuries before the Sundering tore the lands apart and formed the continents of the modern age. Keltormir survived these tribulations and even prospered.

Keltormir filled the immense forest that, in those days, extended from the Bowl of the Gods in the north (modern Amn) south almost to the Shining Sea and inland towards the Lake of Steam, beyond which lay the Kingdoms of the Three Leaves (Eiellûr, Thearnytaar and Syòrpiir). Far to the south-east lay the dark elven kingdom of Ilythiir, whilst to the north (in what is now the Western Heartlands) lay Shantel Othreier and, beyond that, in what is now the High Moor, was Miyeritar. North-east, in the High Forest, lay Aryvandaar and west, along the Sword Coast North, was Illefarn.

For many centuries Keltormir established strong trading and cultural alliances with these other empires, particularly its immediate neighbour of Shantel Othreier to the north. During the Crown Wars (12,000 – 9000 BDR), Keltormir did its best to stay out of the fighting. In 11,700 BDR a huge dragon raid burned the forests of southern Shantel Othreier and Tethir, a warleader of Keltormir, lead an army to the relief of their northern ally. Tethir defeated the dragons and established his reputation as one of the great elven heroes.

In 11,200 BDR, Ilythiir attacked Keltormir’s south-eastern frontier and began some 700 years of conflict, but Keltormir was able to survive by focusing on guerrilla warfare and striking Ilythiir’s supply lines to keep them off-balance. In 10,500 BDR the High Mages of Aryvandaar obliterated the dark elven kingdom of Miyeritar to the north in what became known as the Dark Disaster, creating the High Moor. The elves of Ilythiir swore vengeance on Aryvandaar and Keltormir withdrew its forces from the east, giving the dark elves a path to follow northwards to engage the armies of Aryvandaar directly. Keltormir thus marshalled its own strength, which would be needed against whichever nation emerged victorious from that struggle.

Five centuries later, the elven god Corellon had grown so distraught at the Ilythiiri depredations that he cursed the entire race, turning them into the dhaerow or “Accused,” or the drow as they eventually became known. The drow fled into the Underdark. A thousand years later, Aryvandaar was destroyed by a mass rebellion of its subjects and military action by the remaining elven free nations, including Keltormir.

Keltormir became the largest and most powerful survivor-state of the Crown Wars, but it had zero interest in conquest or glory. In the centuries after the Crown Wars, its chief concern was fending off dragon raids. Immense dragon-fires burned out the forest, clearing the Red River Fields and Clovis Fields and splitting the Keltormir Forest into two: the Wealdath or Forest of Tethir in the north, and the Saranestar or Darthiir Wood in the south (later called the Forest of Mir). Keltormir effectively ceased to exist by around 8500 BDR, with the two successor kingdoms of Tethir and Darthiir taking its place.

The elven kingdoms watched warily as the djinni Lord Calim and the efreet Lord Memnon arrived in the lands to the south-west and renewed their ancient war. The elves of Tethir and Darthiir signed a peace treaty with Calim and traded with his empire, but Memnon was considerably more hostile, destroying the dwarven city of Iltakar when it complained about territorial violations. When the two empires began the Skyfire Wars in 6500 BDR, threatening to destroy all of Faerûn, the elven High Mages of both kingdoms intervened (led by the infamous mage Pharos), imprisoning both lords in a massive magical trap (inadvertently creating the Calim Desert in the process) some four centuries later.

The elves established good relations with the human successor state of Coramshan, and in 5600 BDR established good terms with the newly-founded dwarven surface realm of High Shanatar. By 5330 BDR High Shanatar had been overrun and destroyed by the First Kingdom of Mir, a client state of Coramshan, which seized territory from both High Shanatar and Darthiir, to the protests of the latter. By 5100 BDR, Mir stretched from the River Wurlur to the River Agis and from the Trackless Sea to the Thornwash, extending across much of modern southern Tethyr between the two forests. Saradush became the first city of modern Tethyr to be founded circa 5100 BDR, although ancient Saradush was sacked and rebuilt and sacked again many times over the intervening millennia.

By 5007 BDR, Mir had been defeated in warfare with the empire of Jhaamdath to the east. Coramshan intervened directly, seizing control of Mir and driving the Jhaamdathi back almost to their homeland. Bakkal Ukhar IV of Coramshan merged his kingdom with that of Mir, declaring the founding of the Calimshan Empire in 5005 BDR.

In 1900 BDR the Calimshan Empire formed the very first Kingdom of Tethyr as a vassal-state of the Empire. Tethyr stretched from the Forest of Tethir to the River Wurlur. Additional vassal-states were established at Mir (between the Marching Mountains and Wurlur) and Iltkazar (between the Forest of Mir and Snowflake Mountains, east of the Forest of Tethir). These three vassals secured the region whilst Calimshan itself was drawn more deeply into warfare against the beholders of the Alimir Mountains to the south-east.

By 1570 BDR, Zazesspur had been founded as the seat of Tethyrian power. The Emir of Tethyr at this time was a foolish and vain main who launched raids on the Forest of Tethir to kill elves for sport and amusement, which resulted in brutal reprisals from the elves. In 1428 BDR Calimshan was defeated by the beholders, who surged west to capture Calimport itself. However, the Drakhon priest-princes rallied support from Tethyr and Mir to defeat the beholders and retake Calimport in 1402 BDR. By around 1000 BDR, the beholders had been defeated and the Calimshan Empire stabilised.

Around 800 BDR, drow emerged from below the Forest of Mir and wiped out the last remnants of the elven kingdom of Darthiir, beginning the Night Wars against Calimshan. In 670 BDR a great slave revolt rippled across the entire empire, with tens of thousands of slaves fleeing north, where they were granted succour by the elves of Tethir and granted lands on the Dragon’s Neck Peninsula and the Dragon’s Head. Iltkazar broke away from Calishite control in 650 BDR and was reconquered in 400 BDR, but by now Calimshan’s periphery had grown too unstable to full control, with one city or province revolting as soon as Calimshan moved its attention somewhere else.

By 387 BDR, the descendants of the escaped slaves had formed distinct warrior-clans living on the Dragon’s Neck Peninsula. Allied to the elves of Tethir, they learned that in ancient times the forest borders had stretched south to the Agis and east to the mountains. The clans decided to retake this land by force, leading a massive invasion of the provinces of Tethyr and Mir. In 307 BDR they took Myratma and then seized Calimaronn in 293 BDR, renaming it Ithmong.

In 288 BDR, shockingly, the Pasha of Calimshan met the rebels and agreed to cede the lands they asked for through diplomacy. He also offered generous peace terms and trade agreements. The – slightly confused – rebels accepted the offer and the first independent Kingdom of Tethyr was born. However, the feuding clans were incapable of settling their own differences and within a few months a complicated civil war had begun, as the Pasha had anticipated (and, possibly, encouraged). The next few Pashas of Calimshan simply sat back and watched Tethyr fall apart from the inside. By 230 BDR, Calimshan had rebuilt its strength enough that it could simply roll into the country and retake it from the feuding clans. However, the Calishites had badly underestimated the Tethyrian national spirit that had taken shape in the interim: the Tethyrians united under Clan Ithal and in 221 BDR retook Ithmong, and Myratma in 212 BDR. Calimshan withdrew and reinstated its former peace treaty with its former vassal. The war did unite the Tethyrians under a single leader, with King Darrom Ithal becoming its first great ruler.

The Calishite policy following the war was to deeply embroil Tethyr in Calimshan’s internal politics. Calishite rulers married their sons and daughters into the noble houses of Tethyr and vice versa. Merchant houses were allowed to establish outposts in both realms. The two nations continued to work together militarily against the drow of the Forest of Mir, the dragons of the Marching Mountains and the beholders of the Alimir Hive. Calimshan’s plan may have been to unify the two realms through cultural osmosis, but the Tethyrians were canny enough to resist this whilst also profiting from it.

Around 170 BDR the Eye Tyrant Wars began and saw Tethyr, Calimshan and Iltkazar finally ally to destroy the Alimir Hive once and for all, ending the beholder threat to the region in perpetuity. This occasioned great celebrations in all three lands, and Tethyr expanded to reach its modern-day borders.

In 64 BDR, the ruling houses of Calimshan and Tethyr were unified when Arhymeria Shoon, granddaughter of Pasha Akkabar of Calimport, married King Nishan Ithal II of Tethyr. Arhymeria was concerned that her grandfather planned to use her to manipulate her and her heirs, so distanced herself from his control. But in 9 BDR Clan Fyrson rebelled against the throne of Tethyr, allied with the pirates of the Nelanther and assaulted the royal castle at Ithalyr. King Nishan was killed in the fire that gutted the castle, whilst his heir Prince Tarsax (his grandson) was slain in single combat with Volsun Fyrson.

Amahl Shoon, Arhymeria’s brother, emerged as the best claimant to Tethyr’s throne and he was crowned king within weeks. Like his sister, Amahl was resistant to his grandfather’s manipulations and tried to govern Tethyr justly and well. Akkabar had Amahl killed in 3 BDR and replaced by his grand-nephew Amahl II, a selfish and brutal ruler. Amahl II sacked Ithmong and declared Clan Ithal outlaw when they tried to resist his coronation. Amahl II’s brutal reign lastd until 15 DR, when he died under unusual circumstances and was succeeded by Amahl III. In 27 DR Pash Akkabar named Amahl III as his heir as well. Almost immediately, Akkabar likewise died in odd circumstances.

Thus, Amahl Shoon III became simultaneously the King of Tethyr and the Pasha of Calimshan. He immediately abolished both polities and declared the founding of the Shoon Imperium with himself as its first Qysar, or Emperor, based at the newly-founded city of Shoonach on the River Agis, spanning the border of both kingdoms.

The Shoon Imperium began expanding. It established the Emirate of Amin in 215 DR, in the so-called “Bowl of the Gods” to the north of the Forest of Tethir, and established new provinces around the Lake of Steam and down into the Shaar. Good, evil and indifferent Qysars rotated through the royal palace in Shoonach.

By 231, the Tethyrian clans had resolved to launch a new rebellion and free Tethyr from the Imperium’s grasp (despite the propaganda that Shoon was formed by the willing union of Tethyr and Calimshan). Qysar Shoon IV, realising rebellion was afoot, unleashed a plague of undead called the Death Parade on Ithmong. The rebels destroyed the undead, but took such heavy casualties that that had to abandon plans for a rebellion for a generation to come. Further vengeance on Tethyr was averted when Shoon IV started a lifelong battle of wills with the blue dragon Iryklathagra “Sharpfangs,” and became obsessed with destroying her.

In 309, Kodos yn Nadim el Jhotos ascended to become Qysar of Shoon, taking the name Shoon VII. Believing the empire had been ruled with too light a touch to this point, Shoon VII immediately launched a massive, brutal cleansing of the major cities of the empire to flush out traitors, criminals, thieves’ guilds and rebels. As part of this process Ithmong was burned to the ground and subsequently rebuilt to Shoon VII’s directions. Shoon VII’s brutality may have extended further, but like his forebear he soon fell into battle with the dragon Iryklathagra Sharpfangs. Three villages in Tethyr were obliterated during their constant engagements, which raged across the Imperium causing immense collateral damage. Events culminated in the dragon’s raid on Shoonach itself in 366. Shoon VII hoped to lure the dragon into a trap, but was outmatched and lost both his left leg and right arm in the process (parts of Shoonach were also devastated with a death toll estimated in the tens of thousands, not this remotely concerned the Qysar). Shoon VII faked his own death, leaving the rule of the realm to his daughter Shaani. Shaani quickly appeased the dragon with tributs and riches, ending the threat to Shoon from that direction.

In 361 Prince Ashar Tornamn of Tethyr established the realm of Valashar in the north-east of his realm as his own personal vassal state. Raising troops from this region, he embarked on a war of conquest in 375, seizing all the lands from Amin north to the River Chionthar. He then annexed all the lands north to the High Moor and east to the Tunlands, and began demanding heavy tolls on merchants travelling from Cormyr and the Dalelands into the North.

The result was not exactly what he was expecting: early in 376 DR Crown Prince Azoun I led the army of Cormyr into battle, smashing the Shoon garrisons throughout the Western Heartlands: Prince Ashar had not reckoned on the sheer size of the region he’d “captured” and his troops were very widely scattered. The smaller but highly-trained professional Cormyrian troops defeated his mostly conscript troops at every turn. Athalantar and Illusk, two nations of the North, simultaneously drove down the Trade Way, threatening to trap Prince Tornamn’s forces in a vice. Tornamn fell back to the Fields of the Dead and fought a pitched battle against Prince Azoun’s army. Cormyr proved victorious, defeating the Shoon forces and then invading Amin, sacking multiple cities before crossing into Valashar and effectively destroying the realm. The Cormyrian army then sacked Ithmong. After briefly considering an assault on Shoonach, Prince Azoun decided to return home upon receiving word of orc raids on Cormyr’s northern frontier.

The lightning campaign shocked the Shoon Imperium to its core, having exposed its military weaknesses. In later years, the Shoon generals put out the story that they had been luring the Cormyrians into a trap in Shoonach itself and it was only good fortune that saved them, but the story was not very convincing. More people chose to believe that Shoon’s might had become a paper tiger. This may have encouraged the Lake of Steam cities to rise in mass rebellion in 409, and by 427 the Imperium had lost all the lands east of the Alimir Mountains.

Qysara Shaani died without naming an heir, sparking off a massive civil war. Amahl Shoon VII proved victorious, retaking control of the Lake of Steam but having to fight a huge battle in Calimport to secure the city (though he burned down half of it in the process).  Amahl Shoon VII’s rule was bloody and chaotic, with cities rising in rebellion all over the Imperium. The tribes of the Shaar assaulted the Imperium’s borders, causing further havoc.

In 449, the fall of the Shoon Imperium began. The descendants of Clan Ithal had been given sanctuary in the Forest of Tethir and now their leader, Silvyr, emerged from hiding. He rallied troops to his banner, the elves provided assistance and he was able to hire mercenaries and use gold to ally with the pirates of the Nelanther. Silvyr marched on Ithmong, where King Prima Tornamn, a vassal of Amahl VII, immediately surrendered and abdicated the throne, naming Silvyr as his successor. Almost all of Tethyr immediately swore fealty to King Silvyr Ithal and he ordered the nation’s armies to congregate on Ithmong, barely 100 miles from Shoonach.

Qysar Amahl immediately realised his vulnerability and recalled his legions from the Shaar, but too late. The navy of Tethyr, bolstered by the pirates of the Nelanther (who had suffered from Shoon’s own navy), sailed up the Agis and cut off Shoonach from resupply over the river. The combined armies of Tethyr, the elves and mercenary forces marched on Shoonach and cut off its roads. The city was so massive and its populace so huge that the city almost immediately began to starve.

However, King Silvyr had no interest in inflicting massive civilian casualties through starvation, especially as so many of the citizens were themselves Tethyrian. His siege engines smashed through the north-eastern walls of the city in late Uktar of the Year of the Corrie Fist (450 DR). Within a single tenday the siege lines had moved inside the main walls and tightened around the Imperial City, completely cutting it off. Qysar Amahl VII challenged King Silvyr to single combat to decide the fate of the city, which Silvyr agreed to over the counsel of his advisors. As they’d expected, Amahl VII betrayed the deal and had Silvyr slain by treacherous magic. Amahl’s mages unleashed a devastating plague on the besieging army, causing parts of it to break. However, the plague got out of control and ended up killing more Shoonach citizens than Tethyrian soldiers. Prince Strohm, Silvyr’s oldest son, had led an elite force of soldiers, mages and priests into the centre of the Imperial City dring the chaos, and finding Amahl VII overconfident at the moment of what he through was victory, slew him where he stood, along with most of his senior mages and clerics.

Prince, now King Strohm Ithal was not inclined to mercy after the brutal murder of his father. All surviving descendants of the Shoon line were summarily executed, along with its senior generals. Then, to confirm to the world that his goal was not usurping the throne of Shoon but destroying it forever, he had Shoonach evacuated and the entire city razed. Resettlement of the city was forbidden on pain of death. When the city of Kyrakkis in Calimshan presented itself as a replacement for Shoonach, the Tethyrian army invaded Calimshan, brutally sacked the city and the governor (who had been making a play to become Qysar) was executed before the Tethyrians withdrew. The new Pasha in Calimport, who benefited from this removal of a rival, made no complaint.

The Shoon Imperium collapsed. An angry mob in Sheirtalar tore the Shoon governor limb-from-limb. The Lake of Steam city-states rebelled, and the small patchwork of nations today called the Border Kingdoms likewise threw off their chains. In 460, General Emsel Torlath unified the Emirate of Amin, renaming it as the sovereign Kingdom of Amn with its capital at Athkatla.

King Strohm I was succeeded in 540 by Strohm II, a half-elven druid who founded the holy refuge of Mosstone and gave sanctuary to many elves of Myth Drannor. He was followed in 735 by Strohm III, a great warrior who battled beholders, drow and the remnants of the kingdom of Tathtar. Strohm IV (r. 769 – 802) was protected by a platinum dragon and won the Great Battle of Brinniq Dell against the goblins led by Delgern Threetusked. Strohm V (r. 802 – 832) was a druid who transformed into a great oak upon his death.

Tethyr prospered in its early days, with the King sponsoring economic and infrastructure projects. Cities that had declined under Shoon found their fortunes restored and new trade routes were opened. However, by 692 the realm had overspent and faced financial ruin. It was saved by Amn, which purchased Tethyr’s entire north-eastern province for a huge sum of gold. Amn subsequently fell into conflict with the kingdom of Cortryn to the east, intensifying when beholders took control of Cortryn. Cortryn was finally defeated in 757 by the Chessentan mage Tashara of the Seven Skulls. In 1000, the city of Riatavin was established in this region as its largest city, but by 1090 the policies of King Imnel IV had led Amn into financial ruin. The shrewd King Alemander I of Tethyr re-purchased the entire province back from Amn again, restoring Tethyr’s historical borders.

In 959 Tethyr was struck by civil war when the ascension of King Teremir I of the Bormul Dynasty was disputed by his cousin, Mhoaran the Tusk-Bearded. Mhoaran won the conflict and founded the Lion’s Dynasty. This line was interrupted in 1070 when Teremir II, Teremir I’s great-grandson, slew King Coram II and became monarch for almost exactly one year, after which he was killed by King Alemander I. Alemander I’s successor, Coram III, tried to change the family name to “the Royal House of Tethyr” to dissuade further bloodshed, but this never really took, and the Lion’s Dynasty remained the commonly-used name for the line.

In 1235, Tethyr and the rest of western Faerûn faced the onrushing threat of the Black Horde of orcs. The vast horde devastated vast parts of the North and the Sword Coast, but by the time they reached Tethyr their numbers had been somewhat thinned. The armies of Tethyr harried the flanks of the vast horde, making use of their numerous castles to withstand siege (the orcs lacked siegecraft and, given their vast numbers, the supplies to stay still for any length of time to build them). During the campaign, a large part of the horde was tricked into entering the ruins of Shoonach, which had become infested with monsters in the past few centuries, resulting in huge numbers of orc casualties (and a thinning of the monstrous population inside the ruins). The remnants of the horde were finally destroyed in an ill-advised attack on Calimport.

By the 1270s, Amn had established a stranglehold on trade between the Sword Coast and the Vilhon Reach, via the city of Riatavin which had returned to Amnian control. To find a way around this, the governments of both Waterdeep and Tethyr decided to strike up a trade alliance. However, the attempts to forge an alliance were beset by troubles. In 1274, Princess Cyralna travelled to Waterdeep to wed Lord Ortaal Emveolstone, the head of one of Waterdeep’s most powerful trading houses. The princess and six travelling companions, including her two sisters and five nieces, were all killed by mimics disguised as pillows. Prince Toram and Kyvan Emveolstone were discovered to be responsible and were executed. Their motives were unclear, and although Amnian involvement was suspected, it was never proven. King Haedrak II died of a broken heart at the news of the deaths of three of his daughters, his son as a traitor and five granddaughters. His uncle Errilam assumed the throne.

Errilam ruled for just three years before he was killed by an elven arrow during a hunting accident in the Forest of Tethir. Rumours that it was a deliberate assassination launched by the elves appeared unfounded, but poisoned relations with the elves of Tethir for much of the next century.

In 1288, Errilam’s niece Shaerglynda visited Waterdeep to renew trade contacts, but was killed by a street thief.

In 1295, King Jaszur personally travelled to Waterdeep to sign a trade agreement. However, whilst on the road south of the city Jaszur’s convoy was attacked and the king murdered. Open Lord Baeron ordered a search of the surrounding countryside to find those responsible, but failed, although he did recover the royal regalia of Tethyr. King Olosar, who succeeded his brother, was so incensed by his death that he broke off all ties with Waterdeep.

Eventually Baeron learned that Lady Evelyn Emveolstone had been behind all of the troubles, as she had been in love with Toram and his execution had made her take revenge. Evelyn was executed by the Lords of Waterdeep in secret. With relations between Tethyr and Waterdeep at an all-time low, it was decided to keep the royal regalia safe against the future resumption of tides.

The Ten Black Days of Eleint and the Tethyrian Civil War

King Alemander IV ascended the throne in 1319 upon Olosar’s death. Alemander IV was confident but weak-willed, easily manipulated by his cruel first wife, by corrupt nobles in his realm and by the Syl-Pasha Rashid of Calimshan. Alemander IV became especially terrified of being usurped, especially by his eldest son Prince Rythan, a paladin of Helm who was popular with the masses and a warrior without peer. In 1333 Rythan led the armies of Tethyr in battle against Mulsparkh, a renegade kingdom of evil wizards and mercenaries established along the River Agis, seizing territory from both Tethyr and Calimshan. Rythan was slain in the battle, but Mulsparkh was weakened enough that a second army from Calimshan was able to finish it off later on.

Alemander IV’s first wife died in 1326, five years after giving birth to Prince Alemander. Prince Rythan’s betrothed, Lady Rhinda of Saradush, married King Alemander IV instead. The young prince despised his stepmother and reportedly by the age of 12 (in 1333) had already made one attempt on her life. King Alemander IV sent his wife on a protracted tour of the North, with only himself and her aware that she was pregnant.

Prince Haedrak Errilam Alemander Olosar Lhorik was born in the High Palace of Silverymoon on the Feast of the Moon in the Year of the Snow Winds (1335). At the request of King Alemander IV and Queen Rhinda, the High Lady Alustriel Silverhand agreed to raise the prince in secret. Alemander IV’s plan was to have the young prince raised to be a great ruler and then declare his succession in Prince Haedrak’s favour, disinheriting the young, selfish and grasping Alemander. Alustriel turned the care of the infant over to the infamous Old Sage, Elminster. Exactly what favours Alustriel called in to arrange this are unknown. Elminster took the child under his wing, raising him in the ways of magic and making him his scribe and apprentice.

Prince Alemander V spent the next twelve years making friends and allies at court. The corrupt Duke of Dusk became a key ally, as did General Sharboneth, commander of Tethyr’s armies. Alemander started a friendly correspondence with the Syl-Pasha Rashid of Calimshane. Corruption ran rampant through Tethyr’s nobility and military, and soon only Valon Morkann, Duke of Elestam, could be said to remain just and honourable. The peasantry of Tethyr soon chafed under an increasingly brutal rule.

Alemander V planned a coup to topple his father and seize the throne, arranging with General Sharboneth to besiege Castle Tethyr with an army disguised as a peasant uprising. Many real peasants were recruited to this end. However, their hatred of the nobility ran deep after a dozen years of oppression and misrule, and King Alemander IV’s failure to reign in the dukes. The peasants launched their uprising far too early, and the soldiers got caught up in the excitement. The result was that in the early hours of 12 Eleint, 1347 DR, Castle Tethyr was set alight. King Alemander IV, Queen Rhinda, Princess-Consort Dhara, Prince Alemander V, his two sons Jhodak and Leodom, and General Sharboneth were all killed. The Duke of Dusk, the Count of Lathmarch and the Count of Mir also all died, along with the castle garrison. More than six hundred people were killed in total.

The Ten Black Days of Eleint began. Tethyr effectively disintegrated as rebellions, riots, uprisings and murder erupted across the whole country. The genuine grievances of the people were supported and enhanced by the clergy of Beshaba, Goddess of Misfortune. Eight entire noble families were extinguished, six temples were destroyed and four major castles razed. Of the 56 titled nobles and over 100 lesser seated nobles of the realm, only two dukes, one count and five barons survived to the end of the chaos. Duke Morkann fortified Elestam against the chaos and successfully stopped it spreading into his domain. Count Thrynnar of Alonmarch just about managed to retain his position with the help of vassals who knew him to be honourable. Baron Raslemtar of Bashyrvale fled the country to Baldur’s Gate.

The new Duke of Dusk, Lord Nivedann Illehhune, withstood siege in his castle for four years before being finally murdered. Baron Akhmelere of Kirgrove, whose favourite sport was hunting elves in the Forest of Tethyr, vanished when trying to traverse the same forest.

When the Ten Black Days finally ended, Tethyr had been reduced to a collection of rural collectives, not dissimilar to the Dalelands. The major cities, particularly Zazesspur, Saradush and Myratma, managed to reassert themselves as city-states. Ithmong also re-established itself a trading city, but political intrigue was also rife as different factions battled for control.

The Tethyrian Civil War had begun, although for most of its length it was a low-intensity affair, with various clashes between small militia forces support one or other of various nobles. In Tethyr itself, the period became known as the Interregnum, for its interruption of the long rule of the kings.

In 1348 Duke Morkann broke Elestam away from the rest of the nation to become the independent kingdom of Erlkazar. Over the next twenty years more than a quarter of Tethyr’s population left the country, many moving south into Calimshan, north into Amn or east into Erlkazar. Families fled from the war but adventurers and mercenaries moved into Tethyr instead, eager to take advantage of the chaos for profit. For the most part they were disappointed, as the war flared hot and ugly for a few months at a time but then settled down into long, attritional struggles between rival families and clans.

Despite the chaos, Tethyr retained enough national identity to reject attempts by rival nations to take advantage of the chaos. Several factions controlling Tethyr’s fragmented navy unified to throw back raids by the Nelanther pirates, and attempts by both Amn and Calimshan to engage in land-grabbing were resisted by factions who went back to fighting one another right afterwards.

In 1358, during the Time of Troubles, the Red Knight’s avatar possessed Lady Kaitlin Tindall Bloodhawk and led an adventuring band in destroying a large force of monsters invading Tethyr. With the riches gained from this exercise, Lady Bloodhawk founded the Citadel of Strategic Militancy north of Baldur’s Gate. Red Knight’s popularity in Tethyr boomed at this time.

In 1360 several mercenary bands and some Tethyrian nobles, whose troops were seasoned from many years of intermittent warfare, joined the crusade against the Tuigan. The crusade was successful, defeating the Tuigan in the Second Battle of the Golden Way. A young mercenary named Zaranda Star distinguished herself during the engagements and earned enough money to fund several years of adventuring. She travelled widely across Faerûn and reportedly even travelled to Maztica and back shortly after Amn’s unveiling of the True World.

In 1362, Haarken Akhmelere of Ithmong was converted from the worship of Bane (believed slain in the Time of Troubles) to Cyric. He gathered fellow converts and led a small army north out of Tethyr and into Amn, where they seized control of the Twin Towers of the Eternal Eclipse. Akhmelere then led a grand purge, the Second Banedeath, of Bane-worshippers across both Amn and Tethyr. Later that year Teldorn Darkhope and his Knights of the Black Gauntlet, who remained true to Bane, seized control of the city of Mintar on the Lake of Steam.

The Tethyrian Reclamation

By 1350, the Sage Elminster had ceased his wanderings across Toril and the Planes and had “retired” to Shadowdale, his scribe Lhaeo at his side. Now 15, Lhaeo was a skilled fighter and mage himself of no little skill. When he turned 16, Lhaeo was told of his true heritage by Elminster*.

Lhaeo agonised over his birthright and destiny, but knew that returning home to reclaim the throne might do more bad than good. His family’s history was not illustrious and he had no allies in Tethyr, or was even familiar with the country more than in passing. The time was not right for a return home.

In 1366, the adventurer Zaranda Star returned to her ancestral home in County Morninggold. She purchased the entire county from the Order of the Silver Chalice and set it to rights, rooting out bandits, firing corrupt officials and recruiting honest, hard-working people to work for her. By 1367 she had accumulated vast amounts of crops that were in urgent demand in Zazesspur on the other side of the country. She made her way to the largest city in Tethyr and sold her goods for excellent profits, but along the way was harassed by numerous self-styled barons and bandit kings, and was nearly arrested by Baron Faneuil Hardisty of the Zazesspur Council after he decided she was a troublemaker.

Furious, Zaranda founded the Star Protective Services, travelling from town to town to encourage the formation of peoples’ militias and end the depredations of criminals and corrupt nobles. She was invited to help the Ithmong Council organise the defence of the former capital and she complied, but during her stay she was betrayed, captured and smuggled back to Zazesspur. During the chaotic period known as the Days of Terror, Zaranda escaped and with her companions ended the corrupt rule of the city council. The people of Zazesspur named Zaranda Queen by popular acclamation. Zaranda had no wish to see Tethyr riven apart into separate kingdoms and decided that the only way to save Tethyr was to unify it.

Zaranda travelled north and marshalled the people of the Dragon’s Neck Peninsula. Velen swore fealty to her, followed by much of the north. The Grand Druid of Tethir blessed her cause, and most of the northern half of Tethyr recognised her as Queen. The southern – and far more populous – half was more problematic. Despite her services to the city, the rule of Ithmong was overthrown by a corrupt dictatorship. Zaranda’s forces, now called the Royalist Army, won the allegiance of the Purple Hills and the Starspire Mountains before marching on Ithmong and capturing it after a brief siege. Zaranda accepted the proclamation of Queen of Tethyr and renamed the city as Darromar, declaring it the capital of the new Tethyr. As 1368 began, she threw back an ogre and gnoll attack out of the Kuldin Peaks and liberated Saradush.

In the meantime, word of Zaranda’s successes had reached Lhaeo. Khelben “Blackstaff” Arunsun, Archmage of Waterdeep, convinced Lhaeo to take up his birthright. Lhaeo agreed that his claim to the former dynasty might be useful to Queen Zaranda. Open Lord Piergeiron Paladinson presented Lhaeo with the royal regalia of Tethyr and he declared himself in Waterdeep. Tethyrian expats and various mercenary companies agreed to form a new army and sailed for Tethyr.

Meanwhile, Lord Yusuf Jhannivvar of Myratma claimed the throne of Tethyr, citing a dubious bloodline from a long-vanished dynasty. The Royalist Army laid siege to the city, but was disrupted by one of her foolhardy generals. During the resulting confusion, Yusuf captured Zaranda. Simultaneously there was a rebellion in Zazesspur.

The Reclamation hovered on the brink of chaos but Prince Haedrak and his Reclamation Army saved the day. Arriving by sea, they allied with the Royalist Army and re-sieged Myratma. Yusuf tried to smuggle Zaranda out of the city, but Haedrak’s forces intercept them near the ruins of Shoonach. Yusuf was killed, Zaranda liberated and Myratma and Zazesspur both surrendered.

The Tethyrian Civil War ended in the first month of 1369. Zaranda was acclaimed Queen of Tethyr by popular acclaim, but she decided to marry Haedrak to shore up her claim to the throne. Haedrak gladly accepted the title of King-Consort, becoming known as the Scholar King. They soon bore triplets, reorganised Tethyr’s political structure and promoted people of merit into positions of authority. They ended tensions with Erlkazar by recognising Erlkazar’s independence after the king declined to rejoin Tethyr, and ended the long-simmering tensions with the elves of Tethir that had blighted the past century. Tethyr forged new trade and peace agreements with Amn and Calimshan, the long-mooted trade deal with Waterdeep was finally secured and Tethyr seemed set for a bright and prosperous future.

In 1370, the new rulers were presented with a major headache. Fed up with restrictive economic practices that had blighted their economies, the Amnian settlements of Trailstone and Riatavin simultaneously defected from the rule of Amn. They declared themselves independent and petitioned to join Tethyr. The Queen decided to open negotiations with the Council of Six in Athkatla rather than immediately take such provocative action. However, the Amnian government was furious and refused to even entertain the idea of losing one of its largest cities to its southern neighbour. The two nations started fortifying their borders, raising the spectre of war.

However, other events overtook them. In Mirtul 1370, Teldorn Darkhope of Mintar sent his troops across the border into Tethyr, overrunning and capturing the frontier town at Kzelter. However, the Tethyrian troops at Kzelter held out for longer than expected, delaying Darkhope’s plans for a rapid march towards Saradush. By the time he finally secured the region, the Tethyrians had assembled a large army at Ithal Pass, blocking his plans for a further advance. Instead, he began building up more troops for a large-scale clash, complicated by Calimshan moving troops to its far north-eastern border, apparently to support Tethyr.

On the seventh day of Eleasias 1370, the ogre-magi Sythillis and Cyrvisnea, allied to the Cyricists of the Twin Towers of the Eternal Eclipse and the pirates of the Nelanther Isles, struck out of the Small Teeth and Tejarn Hills in overwhelming force. They invaded Amn, capturing the city of Esmeltaran, before taking the city of Murann on Tarseth Bay, their true prize all along. Amn abandoned its military build-up to retake Riatavin, instead directing all available forces westwards against the ogres.

Amn retook Esmeltaran with heavy losses, leaving it too weak to retake Murann. They got a lucky break when the Cyricists of the Mountain of Skulls declared the priests of the Twin Towers to be traitors and captured the fortress complex in a major assault, removing a major obstacle to Amn sending troops through the Small Teeth.

As of the start of 1371, the political situation is complex. The Sythillisian ogres have secured Murann and the Nelanther pirates have agreed to act as their navy. In a surprising move, the Sythillisians have sued for peace with Amn and asked for diplomatic recognition from other nations, offering to rule Murann as an open port for the enrichment of all. Amn, unsurprisingly, is not keen on the offer. Tethyr has offered Amn military support in retaking Murann in return for recognising their own annexation of Riatavin, which the Amnians are divided over. Tethyr is also simultaneously trying to raise a large enough army to retake Kzelter, but Banites from across Faerûn have flocked to Teldorn’s banner in Mintar, resulting in a surprisingly large army now dedicated to holding the town.

How long this situation can endure is unclear, but it is certain that Tethyr’s future may be as long and eventful as its history.

*Contradictory information says that Lhaeo was not told about his heritage until during the Reclamation Wars in 1368, some 17 years later, and by Khelben Arunsun. Some have theorised that Elminster told Lhaeo of his true heritage but Lhaeo immediately tried to leave to return home. Elminster may have blanked his memory of the truth to stop him getting himself killed, so the two sources are not in conflict.

A political map of Tethyr. Please click for a larger version.


Tethyr is traditionally a hereditary monarchy, with the monarch ruling with the assent and assistance of a governing council.

Queen Zaranda Star Rhindaun is Queen of Tethyr, ruling from the capital city of Darromar with the approval of the people. Her husband is King-Consort Haedrak Rhindaun III, known as Lhaeo, the younger son of King Alemander IV, the last king of the Lion’s Dynasty before the civil war. This has added legitimacy to Queen Zaranda’s claim to the throne, although it is understood that she is Queen and he merely her consort.

The Royal Council of Tethyr has been established, representing the realm’s dukes, premier warriors and noteworthies. The elves of Tethir and the halflings of the Purple Hills have voices on the Council, as do the Druids of the Wealdath. In order to retain their position, the dukes and counts must rule responsibly and sensibly, and failure to do so may result in their removal.

The former Royalist and Reclamation Armies now form the core of the Royal Army of Tethyr, a small standing force which can be rapidly reinforced with conscripts in times of war. Because Tethyr has spent more than twenty years in a state of constant conflict, enormous numbers of Tethyr’s population have recent combat experience, giving them a large pool of well-trained soldiers to call upon. As with kingdoms like Cormyr and Impiltur, Tethyr is also developing its own cadre of magic users to reinforce the conventional armies in battle.

Tethyr has re-established diplomatic ties with its neighbours. Syl-Pasha Ralan el Persarkhal of Calimshan, a wily operator if there ever was one, has welcomed Tethyr’s return to stability and offered military support to Tethyr in its struggle with Kzelter (though some ponder if he has done so with the intent of capturing Mintar, providing a springboard for a Calishite resurgence around the Lake of Steam). His full ambitions are unclear, but his good faith is being taken as genuine for the moment.

Relations with Amn are much more complex: the Council of Six has welcomed the end of the war but is deeply unhappy with Riatavin’s defection to Tethyr. War between Amn and Tethyr was only averted by the advent of the Sythillisian War instead. Tethyr has offered Amn assistance in exchange for recognising Riatavin’s annexation, a decision that Amn is agonising over (as without Tethyrian reinforcements, Amn is unlikely to be able to retake Murann from the ogres). The situation remains fluid.

Tethyr is technically in a state of war with the city-state of Mintar on the Lake of Steam, after the latter captured Tethyr’s frontier town of Kzelter. Mintar currently has 23,000 troops around Kzelter whilst Tethyr has reinforced Ithal Pass to the north-west with some 15,000 troops. Calimshan has also moved an unknown number of troops into the area. Tethyr has demanded that Mintar withdraw from Kzelter immediately, but Mintar has refused. Mintar lacks the strength to invade further into Tethyr, but Tethyr does not have enough firepower to retake Kzelter without Calishite aid, and is wary of the cost of such assistance. The situation remains tense.


The traditional, most-favoured gods of Tethyr are Helm, Ilmater, Torm and Tyr. The nature gods (Chauntea, Silvanus, Eldath) are also heavily worshipped, especially in and around the Forest of Tethir. Sune and Lliira are also growing in popularity. The elves of Tethir worship the Seldarine, the elven pantheon, whilst the halfling pantheon is worshipped amongst the halfling communities of the Purple Hills and the northern slopes of the Marching Mountains.

Talos, Bane and Cyric are especially unpopular in Tethyr, and the worship of Beshaba is particularly despised since her clergy’s activities are blamed for the worst excesses of the Ten Black Days of Eleint. Mystra was formerly popular before the civil war, but her worship has been associated with the decadence and corruption of that time and many of her temples in Tethyr were destroyed during the civil war. King-Consort Haedrak, in particular, is trying to encourage the return of Mystra worshippers to Tethyr.

A deity whose worship is booming in Tethyr is Siamorphe, formally a demigoddess restricted to the Waterdeep region. Queen Zaranda has been public in her worship of Siamorphe, and the goddess incarnated herself at Zaranda and Haedrak’s wedding.

The Royal Council of Tethyr

The Royal Council of Tethyr consists of the following worthies of the realm:

  • Zaranda Star Rhindaun, Queen of Tethyr
  • Haedrak Rhindaun III, the Prince-Consort of Tethyr, Duke of the Crown Lands
  • Vajra Valmeyjar, Royal Warlord, Duchess of Ankaram
  • Alaric Hembreon, Duke of the Golden Marches, Lord Royal Chancellor
  • Tardeth Llanistaph, Duke of Suretmarch, Lord Just Chancellor
  • Llachior Blackthorn, Duke of Cape Velen, Lord Royal Durbland
  • Inselm Hhune, Duke of Kamlann, Lord Watch Chancellor
  • Marilyn Haresdown, Duchess of the Purple Marches, High Ambassador of Tethyr
  • Mirthal Aendryr, Duke of Durmista and the Suldusk Elves, Scoutlord of Her Majesty’s Scouts
  • Allain “Foxfire” Kevanarial, Duke of Noromath and the Elmanesse Elves, Bowlord of Her Majesty’s Bowmen
  • Lyrminor Vineshigh, Hills’ Voice and Lord-Mayor of Vineshade
  • Rauthomyr, Truthspeaker of Wealdath
  • Vorn Ghalmrin, Shield Brother
  • Simonne Whitebrow, Samnilith, priestess of Gond and City Councillor of Zazesspur
  • Arkaneus Silvermane, Archdruid of Mosstone

Divisions of Tethyr

Tethyr is politically divided as follows:

  • Principality of the Corsairs’ Sea (Princess Sybille Rhindaun)
    • Cape Velen Duchy (Duke Llachior Blackthorn)
      • County Firedrake (Count Ondul “Warhammer” Jarduth)
      • County Fyraven (Count Tanar Keelson)
      • County Greenshores (Count Jordy Gallum)
    • The Wealdath (Truthspeaker Rauthomyr)
      • Duchy Noromath (Duke Allain “Foxfire” Kevanarial)
      • Duchy Durmista (Duke Mirthal Aendryr)
  • Principality of Ankramir (Princess Cyriana Rhindaun)
    • Kamlann Duchy (Duke Inselm Hhune)
      • County Starspur (Countess Corinna Dezlentyr)
      • County Uluran (Count Silvanus Moondrop)
    • Purple Marches Duchy (Duchess Marilyn Haresdown)
      • County Vintor (Count Krimmon Amethystall)
      • County Bardshyr (Count Ellem Sunspear)
      • County Elemetar (Countess Perendra Raslemtar)
    • Ankaram Duchy (Duchess Vajra Valmeyjar)
      • County Calimmon (Countess Kyrin Hawkwinter)
      • County Monteshi (Count Oxsal Keeneyes)
  • Crown Lands Duchy (Prince-Consort Haedrak Rhindaun III)
    • County Ithmonn (Count Malcor Grannox)
    • County Rivershire (Count Zelphar Thann)
    • County Varyth (Count Dancon Riiklass)
    • County Spellshire (Count Gamalon Idogyr)
  • Principality of the Iltkazar Highlands (Prince Coram Rhindaun)
    • Golden Marches Duchy (Duke Alaric Hembreon)
      • County Valashar (Count Holver Roaringhorn)
      • County Hazamarch (Count Rikos Dughol)
      • County Morninggold (Count Aalangama Gulderhorn)
    • Suretmarch Duchy (Duke Tardeth Llanistaph)
      • County Mirkazar (Count Yuldar Llistiin)
      • County Alonmarch (Count Vartan Thrynnar)
      • County Surkazar (Count Oon Santele)

The Rulers of Tethyr

The Darrom Dynasty

  • born 237 BDR, reigned 212-183 BDR: Darrom, First King of Tethyr
  • b. 209 BDR, r. 183-118 BDR: Silvam
  • b. 179 BDR, r. 118-98 BDR: Nishan I
  • b. 159 BDR, r. 98-75 BDR: Garynor
  • b. 159 BDR, r. 75-64 BDR, died 45 BDR: Rhynda (regent)
  • b. 79 BDR, r. 64-6 BDR: Nishan II

The Shoon Dynasty of Tethyr (Shoon Traitorum)

  • b. 60 BDR, r. 6-2 BDR: Amahl I
  • b. 37 BDR, r. 2 BDR – 15 DR: Amahl II
  • b. 14 BDR, r. 15-27 DR: Amahl III

The Cormal Dynasty of Tethyr (Shoon Traitorum)

  • b. 4 DR, r. 27-63: Rahman
  • b. 35, r. 63-97: Leodom I
  • b. 64, r. 97-113: Hazam I
  • b. 85, r. 113-136: Leodom II
  • b. 109, r. 136: Yusuf
  • b. 117, r. 136-175: Leodom III
  • b. 149, r. 175-187: Leodom IV
  • b. 124, r. 187-193: Tassiva Cormal (regent)
  • b. 178, r. 193-209: Hazam II
  • b. 158, r. 209-211: Tebalan Pahuk (regent)
  • b. 172, r. 211-217: Moshafi Telerus (regent)
  • b. 180, r. 217-223, d. 251: Matamid Korrunhel (regent)
  • b. 208, r. 223-229: Emyr

The Korrunhel Dynasty (Shoon Traitorum)

  • b. 180, r. 229-251: Matamid
  • b. 224, r. 251-260: Xandar
  • b. 244, r. 260-310: Vajra, first ruling Queen of Tethyr

The Tiiraklar Dynasty (Shoon Traitorum)

  • b. 267, r. 310-315: Karaj I
  • b. 290, r. 315-345: Karaj II

The Tornamn Dynasty (Shoon Traitorum)

  • b. 324, r. 345-380: Kallos
  • b. 345, r. 390-383: Nishan III
  • b. 353, r. 383-396: Herakul, the Kinslayer
  • b. 369, r. 386-449, d. 450: Priam, the Abdicator

The Strohm Dynasty

  • b. 275, r. 450-662: Strohm I, the Elf-King
  • b. 540, r. 662-735: Strohm II, Half-elf King
  • b. 715, r. 735-769: Strohm III
  • b. 745, r. 769-803: Strohm IV
  • b. 787, r. 803-832: Strohm V

The Mallorhen Dynasty

  • b. 799, r. 832-838: Tibor
  • b. 818, r. 838-841: Samyte, the Martyr

The Bormul Dynasty, the Queens’ Dynasty

  • b. 816, r. 841-847: Alisande, second Queen of Tethyr
  • b. 832, r. 847-885: Sybille, the Great, third Queen of Tethyr
  • b. 870, r. 885-922: Cyriana, the Great, fourth Queen of Tethyr
  • b. 893, r. 922-957: Teresa, the Great, fifth Queen of Tethyr
  • b. 927, r. 957-959: Teremir I

The Lions’ Dynasty

  • b. 919, r. 959-974: Mhoaran, the Tusk-Bearded, the Usurper
  • b. 951, r. 974-997: Nearel
  • b. 968, r. 997-1022: Kortal
  • b. 988, r. 1022-1059: Haedrak I
  • b. 1010, r. 1059-1065: Coram I
  • b. 1050, r. 1065-1070: Coram II

The Bormul Dynasty, the Restored Dynasty

  • b. 1045, r. 1070-1071: Teremir II

The Tethyr Dynasty, the Lions’ Dynasty

  • b. 1038, r. 1071-1145: Alemander I
  • b. 1112, r. 1145-1181: Coram III
  • b. 1150, r. 1181-1202: Alemander II
  • b. 1173, r. 1202-1218: Coram IV
  • b. 1167, r. 1218-1227: Kymer, the Shade King
  • b. 1199, r. 1227-1274: Haedrak II, the Corsair Prince
  • b. 1236, r. 1274-1277: Errilam
  • b. 1255, r. 1277-1288: Alemander III
  • b. 1274, r. 1288-1295: Jaszur
  • b. 1274, r. 1295-1319: Olosar
  • b. 1294, r. 1319-1347: Alemander IV

The Rhindaun Dynasty

  • b. 1331, r. 1368-present: Zaranda, the People’s Queen, sixth Queen of Tethyr

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