My longest continuous online mapping project has been an attempt to produce a semi-definitive map of the world of the Malazan saga by Steven Erikson and Ian Esslemont. I started trying to come up with crude world maps all the way back in 2005, and these have continued intermittently ever since, especially when the authors released new regional maps in the books.

This is a totally new, ground-up redrawing of the world map on a new and extremely large scale (apologies for those who have problems loading it).

World of the Malazan Empire

Please click for a much (much!) bigger version.

This map was created by combining the individual regional maps from the books with Steven Erikson’s original world map that he created back in the 1980s. Although that map was superseded by the later maps he created for the books with artist Neil Gower, it still proved extremely useful for the areas of the world that have still not appeared on any official map (such as Bael, western Seven Cities, Genostel and Umryg).

A few areas have survived from the older world maps created by D’rek on the Malazanempire forum, most notably Stratem. D’rek created the original outline of Stratem which I then modified when it became clear that the Sea of Chimes was virtually landlocked. Steven Erikson’s map of Korelri-Stratem wasn’t much help because it had been thoroughly revamped for the novels, so I kept Stratem much the same as in previous maps. It remains the only continental outline to be pretty speculative.

Other areas are still pretty speculative, such as most of western Seven Cities: we know where Perish, Nemil, Shal-Morzinn, Cabal, Ekhran, Grol Etur and Drammatan are located but not much more than that. The location of Farrog, Nightmaria and the Great Dry is also purely speculative.

Other locations are speculative in detail even when their general location is correct: Lamentable Moll, Spendrugle, Trygalle, Seven Ruins Island and the Glass Desert are all in the right general area, but their precise location may be slightly off.

globe (3)

As a bonus you can also see the map on a globe via this link.

As always, leave thoughts on the map in the comments and please let me know if you find any errors or mistakes.

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